Core Services

Same Page provides facilitating, consulting and mentoring support to:


Community Engagement

Same Page can support you in convening communities, groups and services to develop collaborative approaches to address issues that impact them and build community and service systems that reflect and build positive relationships.


Shared Learning and Using Data for Discovery and Design

Same Page workshops are all about unlocking collaboration in an inclusive, hands-on and engaging manner to understanding what is happening, for whom and why. This exploration involves using data for discovery and design, creating learning systems and interpreting and applying what we learn – together with community.

Design and Deliver

Service Design and Integration

Same Page works with communities, services and local and state governments to collaborate in the design, delivery and integration of services and interventions that: are innovative and future-focused; reflect values; build culture and practice; are locally relevant; and make a difference.

Leadership and Governance

Jennifer is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, which enables her to apply the same rigour, whether to a community leadership forum or a corporate board. Good governance is the same for all; we communicate, we set targets, we measure and instill good culture.

Strategy and Planning

This is not your typical planning and design process! Founded on Appreciative Inquiry to build on the positive Same Page uses engaging workshops to build a shared aspiration for the future and strategies to achieve it. These interactive sessions use idea generation and critical thinking while fostering creativity and innovation to build a ‘living’ and practical document that forms a foundation for growth, development, ongoing management and planning.

Practice Influences

Same Page work is founded on the following approaches, methodologies and practice frameworks:

Appreciative Inquiry (AI, Cooperrider & Srivastava, USA)

Appreciative Inquiry is a change management approach that focuses on strengths and what works to build a positive culture. The founding principle of AI is that we get more of what we focus on.

Design Thinking (Many Brilliant People over Many Years)

Design Thinking draws upon logic, imagination, intuition and systemic reasoning to explore possibilities of what could be and address complex challenges in a collaborative way. Design thinking involves learning by doing to identify alternative strategies and approaches to complex issues.

Platforms Service Re-Development Framework (Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health, Australia)

Platforms is a research-based service integration framework designed to assist local communities refocus services for children and families, and strengthen the capacity of communities to promote positive outcomes for children.

Family Partnership (Davis & Day, UK)

The Family Partnership model provides a framework for working together and emphasises the importance of taking time to explore constructs and assumptions before developing solutions – and building genuine relationships as a foundation for change.

Collective Impact (Kania & Kramer, USA)

Collective impact is the commitment of a diverse group of participants from different sectors including community, to a common agenda for solving a complex social problem. Founded in deep and genuine community engagement, collective impact provides a powerful framework and approach to collaborating in complexity.